Getting Started

It couldn’t be simpler.  All you need is a piece of paper and pencil but I recommend a notebook.  It doesn’t have to be a fancy notebook – a simple one subject spiral notebook will do.  Or you could open up new document in your word processor.  Or you can opt for some kind of note-taking or journaling software.

Don’t worry too much about the method – the goal is to focus on the positive.  Whatever you use will be good enough.  Find something that fits your personality and most importantly you will use!

Now write down the date.  Now write one thing – a word, a phrase, a sentence.  One rule – it must be stated in a positive manner.  The goal is to give enough of a description so that you can recall an image in your mind.  If you feel like it write more.  Maybe add a picture.

On day two, you again write the date and your one little thing.  After you have finished writing go back and read the previous day.  Bring that experience and the feelings back to your mind.

Each day, add another entry and go back and read the previous entries.  Read back as at least three days (or more if you want) and focus on each entry bringing it to life in your mind.

Here is my entry for August 23. (I use ohLife to record my OLT entries because I can add pictures. )


Now I’m sure most of those things mean absolutely nothing to you – and that is the point.  I’m not telling you what should make you happy,  make you smile or giggle or give you a sense of accomplishment. These are your little things and your stories.  I’ll share some of mine here from time to time and I hope you will share some of yours with me.

Are you ready to get started?

Once you have 30 days of little things Sharpen Your Focus.